Imam Husain Islamic Centre | Telephone 9558 1114 |
Imam Husain Islamic Centre
Prayer times: Tue 4 March 2025 Fajr 5:21  |  Sunrise 6:46  |  Dhuhr 13:07  |  Sunset 19:28  |  Maghrib 19:45


Salamun Alaykum Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Join us on Tuesday 4th March for the first Tuesday evening program during the month of Ramadhan.

Program commences with Maghreb/Isha prayer followed bys a shared iftar.

Bring a dish to share for iftar for those who intend on breaking fast at the centre. IHIC will provide light refreshments.

We are blessed to host our UK based esteemed guest speaker – Sheikh Nuru Mohammed.

Topic: The Darkness of the Soul and the Radiance of Repentance

Formal program will begin at 8:45pm with Qur’an ,Dua Iftitah and a short talk followed by a Q&A.